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Weaverham Forest Primary School and Nursery

Behaviour & Relationships

Weaverham Forest Primary School is committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. As members of our community, we adhere to the values of:

‘Be Respectful, Be Honest, Be Kind.’

Our three simple rules ‘Be Respectful, Be Honest and Be Kind’ which can be applied to a variety of situations and are taught and modelled explicitly.

We also understand that for some children following our behaviour expectations are beyond their developmental level. In this case, these children will have bespoke positive behaviour plans which may include rewards to reinforce positive behaviour.

Restorative Approaches

The school embraces Restorative Approaches as a means of empowering teachers to be successful and effective practitioners within their classroom, raising standards and achievement across the school and developing aspirational, motivated and responsible pupils.

Effective Restorative Approaches foster awareness of how others have been affected by inappropriate behaviour. This is done by actively engaging participants in a process which separates the deed from the doer and rejects the act not the actor, allowing participators to make amends for the harm caused. Restorative Approaches acknowledges the intrinsic worth of the person and their potential contribution to the school community.


Our Values

Visible Consistencies 

Over and above recognition

Be respectful

Be honest

Be kind


1. Daily meet and greet

2. Lovely Lines

3. Wonderful Walking

4. Recognition walls in classes

1. Recognition boards

2. Class rewards

3. Certificates

4. Home contact

5. Postcards

6. HT/SLT praise

7. House points

More detail can be found in our Relationship Policy.  Click here to navigate to our policy page.