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Weaverham Forest Primary School and Nursery



The music curriculum at Weaverham Forest is designed to progressively develop children’s skills in the areas of musical appreciation (listening and discussing), performance on instruments and voice, composition and recording and evaluating musical performances. We encourage children to focus on the work of both modern and classical musicians for inspiration and exploration, and to build up a repertoire of techniques and approaches that they can apply in their own compositions.

Our music curriculum aims to provide all pupils with equal access to a rich, broad, balanced and differentiated music curriculum matched well to their ages, abilities, interests, aptitudes and special needs. It is built to increase pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding of music as they grow and develop and increase their connections with the world around them. The music curriculum is progressively planned and structured to ensure that learning is continuous and that pupils make good progress with the development of their learning. It also aims to engage the children’s interest and to encourage and motivate them to want to learn to play, practise perform and create music. It intends to offer pupils lots of first-hand experience to reinforce their learning and to underpin their growing knowledge, skills and understanding of the world.


We ensure National Curriculum coverage and progression in music skills by using knowledge organisers for each year group. In KS1 teachers use Kapow to structure their lessons, in KS2 all children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. Year 3 and 4 use keyboards. Years 5 and 6 choose a wind or percussion instruments taught by Edsential music tutors. We also develop an awareness of classical and modern composers and their compositions through our 'Composer of the Week' where children listen to a different composer at the beginning of each assembly.

In addition to class learning, every child takes part in a weekly singing assembly. Children in year 5 and 6 have the opportunity to take their music tuition further and have 1:1 instrument lessons. We also run a KS2 choir at different points during the year and take every opportunity to perform in the community.


Children will have knowledge of musical concepts which are in line with the National Curriculum. They will develop their self-confidence through musical performing and composing. We aim for all children to have the opportunity to perform and enjoy listening to music on a regular basis, during lessons, assemblies and whole class performances. 

Music knowledge organisers