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Weaverham Forest Primary School and Nursery

Phonic & Spelling

We follow the Sounds-Write Synthetic Phonics Program in school.

This process to teaching phonics involves placing the importance of sounds within a word, not as separate parts of a word.

The children engage in daily phonics sessions covering a range of activities including:

  • Building words with sounds
  • Dentifying the sounds in words and grouping these
  • Locating words with specific sounds
  • Reading words with multiple syllables that incorporate these sounds.

Please select the links below to view our most recent information meetings about how Sounds-Write works in school and how the processes can be incorporated when reading at home.



The PowerPoint slides can also be downloaded to view at your leisure.

Want to know more? Eager to put the Sounds-Write model into practice at home? Follow the link below to register for a free online tutorial course where all the different elements of the Sounds-Write program are explained in ways you can then use when reading and writing with your child at home. Free Early Childhood Education Tutorial - Help your child to read and write | Udemy


Files to Download

Phonics and Reading PARENTS MAR 22.pptx