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Weaverham Forest Primary School and Nursery


Welcome to Year 3


Mrs Jones

Mrs Witter and Mrs Eaton

Miss Beales


Please see below for our yearly overview 


curriculum overview 24 25 jan.pdf




Please read regularly with with your child and log what they have read on Boom Reader.  Reading quality stories and non-fiction texts with children not only introduces them to a wide range of vocabulary but also supports their communication and language skills. The natural conversations that arise when sharing books also develop children's understanding and comprehension skills and can foster a love of reading later in life. 

Year 3 children also have logins for Spell shed, TT Rockstars and the Maths Whizz platform.

Other Useful Information

PE kits should be in at the beginning of the week and left in school.  This allows us to be flexible according to the weather.



website spring 1.pdf